Monday, November 4, 2013

I Got a Dog!

So I haven't written on my blog for a really long time! I want to start doing more posts!  So I'm gonna post about what takes most of my free time now, my dog. About seven months ago I rescued a dog.  She's a pitmix from what I know, I don't know what she is mixed with.  I don't even know her age, which makes me sad because I don't know when her bday is.  She has one blue eye and one brown and has the cutest little face. The seven months I've had her I've had a blast getting to know her and all her crazy quirks.  Her temperament is kinda me I guess lol. I've heard that a lot of times dogs mirror your energy, so her being crazy might be a little my fault but I wouldn't trade her for anything. When I say she's crazy I don't mean aggressive, she loves all people and dogs as well.  She does great at the dog park, the only thing is that she doesn't listen to me!  Without distractions she's actually doing a lot better.  The only thing is she doesn't come when called.  She's very independent, which I like because when I leave her I don't feel bad also she can entertain herself and doesn't need me to.  It's difficult at times because I don't have previous experience in owning a dog.  Also I'm no expert at training dogs either so some of the things she does that are unpleasant are sometimes hard to deal with but I'm patient.  I'm trying to get her training but it's hard when you don't have a lot of money to spare.I've looked at a couple of places that look like what she needs. I feel like if I take her to somewhere like petco or Petsmart that it will be a waste of time and money.  Not to say that those places aren't good, they just aren't what me and Mona need.  I've looked into some places where they look promising but they are expensive!
1. Calik9 they are my number one choice but are kinda out of my budget and are far from where I live.
2. I looked into Primal training but they are just as far and they never emailed me back.
3. I just put myself on the registration list for bad rap dog training, but they say that it's normal for a six to eight month wait because they are super full.
4.I emailed a few smaller dog trainers and one just emailed back so we will see how that goes
I'm really excited about having a dog, I've wanted one forever and now I have one! She has her own instagram follow her and her crazy booty @monabooty also stay tuned for more posts about her and all the stuff I buy her, because she is sooooo spoiled!

Mona and a Kong toy she broke within five not longer squeaks.